Monday, December 3, 2012


Super Sad has, in general, made me sad, but not until this section did it become truly scary. The fact that these events could happen at what feels like any moment scares me. What scares me even more is the behavior of those after the rupture. First, Joshie: Lenny's boss is just a pain right now. "I haven't really spent time with Joshie since the Slap. He's off somewhere, negotiating with the IMF or the Norwegians or the Chinese or whoever still gives a damn." His role in the workforce has been to keep a small group of employees at his finger tips. He has become an absent boss and disappears all the time, and to Lenny's knowledge, to kiss ass to the other countries that MIGHT buy them out and save them. Personally, I think Joshie is being a coward and is not facing the reality of the situation, instead he is trying to live some fantasy out by not being in the bad situation like everyone else. Then there's Eunice: "Back home, Eunice took charge of organizing the relief efforts for the older people." She's filling her time with work so she doesn't have to focus on how much her life sucks. Really, she's doing the best out of all of them. At least she's doing some good with her time. Unlike Joshie, she's seeing the effects of the rupture and dealing with them personally. He's a coward, who has caused these hard times and is running away. Finally, there's Lenny. He's filled his time with his job just so he has a routine again. Not only that, but at the rate that he gives money away to random strangers, he'll need to keep working. "Work has been a blur." He's been in and out just to do the mundane tasks. In fact, there is an entire 8 page section from his diary. It starts at work and of the 8 pages, only 1 paragraph was about work in the 8 page chunk. He's not concerned with work. He would much rather spend his time with Eunice.